Addington Highlands


Addington Highlands was formed in 1998 as an amalgamation of the former townships of Ashby, Denbigh, Effingham, Abinger, Anglesea and Kaladar.
It’s primary communities are Kaladar, Northbrook, Flinton and Cloyne.
It also contains Kaladar Pine Barrens Conservation Reserve, BonEcho Provincial Park and is near Puzzle Lake Provincial Park.

This area was first settled following the construction of the Addington Road in 1857. It was originally named Scouten after its first postmaster. The old CPR rail bed passing through the town has now become part of the Trans Canada Trail.

It is popular to outdoors enthusiasts and cottagers with over 17 notably sized lakes and untouched crown land.

Weslemkoon (centre) and Effingham (lower right) Lakes, as well as Mazinaw, Skootamatta and Weslemkoon are popular cottage locations.

This is an amazing area if you are looking for affordable recreational properties.


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